Talk like a Pirate with AV Voice Changer Software Diamond

This tutorial will show you how to change your voice into a pirate’s voice using AV Voice Changer Software Diamond.

Sample voices:
Real pirate’s voice:
Normal male voice:

Step 1: Make low voice with Voice Morpher feature

- Run AV Voice Changer Software Diamond (VCSD)

- Move the pointer in Pitch-Timbre graph (1) to change your voice. Because of the differences of each voice, it would be better that you try increasing or decreasing pitch and timbre parameter to decide what combination is the best for you. In my opinion, you can try with Pitch 58% and Timbre 184% like the image below.

Voice Morpher

Voice Morpher

- Next, click on Advanced (2)

- In the new window, set Timbre's Fine Tune (3) depending on your voice. To me, I choose 80% and then click OK (4)

Advanced Finetune

Step 2: Improve output with Equalizer

- Click Make-ups (1), choose Custom (2) to open Equalizer pane.

- In Equalizer pane, Choose SuperBass (3).

Improve output with Equalizer

Improve output with Equalizer

Step 3: Enhance output quality with Vowel Enhancer

- Click Advanced (1). When Advanced window appears, look at Vowel Enhancer tab.

- Adjust only the Formant 1 (2) however you see fit. It will affect the low formant of your voice which then makes the voice sound more gravelly.

- Click on OK button (3) to close the window.

Enhance output quality with Vowel Enhancer

Enhance output quality with Vowel Enhancer

Step 4: Adjust the Voice Beautifying

- Make changes to LoStretch (1) and LoShift (2) sliders. Those two will allow you to stretch the speed and shift up certain parts of your voice.

- Click on Reset button (3) to have the sliders at their default value if you need.

Adjust the Voice Equalizer

Adjust the Voice Beautifying

Step 5: Save nickvoice

You can save your Nickvoice for later use. Click on Save button (1) >> Choose the location where the file will be saved >> Click Save button (2).

Save nickvoice

Save nickvoice

Now, your changed voice is now ready for chatting via Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamSpeak, etc.

  • Import your customized Nickvoices into menu "Nickvoice" for quick use, click here.
  • For more free nickvoice packs, click here.